William Morgan, DC
William E. Morgan is the president of Parker University. Parker is the second-largest chiropractic campus in the world. Prior to coming to Parker, he practiced at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the President’s Hospital. He has been credentialed at five hospitals and has served as a consultant to various government executive clinics in Washington, D.C., caring for government leaders. He has served as a consultant to the White House, the United States Congress, the Veterans Administration, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Army. Dr. Morgan has held faculty adjunct appointments in several chiropractic colleges and one medical school. He has attained the rank of full [adjunct] professor and has completed a comprehensive hospital-based residency. Over the course of two decades, he supervised dozens of physicians, chiropractors, students, physical therapists, dentists, and other specialties in a hospital-based setting. Dr. Morgan has a passion for patient-centered learning and clinical residencies.