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Paul Jain, MD, QME

Paul Jain MD Internal Medicine/Pain Management

Dr. Jain is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician and Qualified Medical Evaluator who has been in practice for 14 years. He completed his medical school and residency training at George Washington University Medical Center. For the first 10 years of his career, he held a full time academic position as an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of California – San Diego Medical Center. He is currently in Private Practice and serves as an Expert Witness for the California Medical Board. He has performed over 300 IMEs and has been deposed, testified on numerous cases.

Specialty Focus: Pain Management, Neck/Whiplash Injuries, Shoulder Injury, Low back Injury, Knee Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Migraine Headaches, Vertigo/Dizziness, PTSD/Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Complex Medication Management, all forms of Internal/End Organ Damage – Heart, Brain, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach. All forms of solid tumor and bone marrow cancers.