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Social Media Marketing in a Post COVID-19 World

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Lili Serrano, "Dr. Marketing Queen"
55 Minutes
Audio and Video


Wonder if now is the right time to continue Marketing your services to your target market?  Do you also wonder what the best strategy is to implement during a time such as this?  Come learn the most effective strategy that will help you bounce back from low visits.  Most Docs across the country are down 30-60% in visits, but you don't have to be.  Some are growing in number of visits, during this time and you can too.



Lili Serrano, "Dr. Marketing Queen"'s Profile

Lili Serrano, "Dr. Marketing Queen" Related Seminars and Products

Inbound Marketing Strategist

iMarketing Made Simple

Lili, also known as the “Dr. Marketing Queen,” grew up in a family of Local Business Owners in Silicon Valley (California) and understood (from a young age) the pain to get and keep customers day in and day out. Her 14 years of Sales & Marketing experience, has helped hundreds increase their revenue immediately by implementing her SIMPLE and proven strategies.

