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Please join San Mateo County District in this LIVE seminar and receive 2 hours General CE!
Join Dr. Ty Talcott in a very important presentation discussing the following:
To expand awareness regarding the ever-increasing number of complaints against doctors, by patients and ex-employees, relative to mishandling/theft and cyberattacks (electronic data theft) of patient information and the fines and penalties being exacted by the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice, relative to HIPAA enforcement.
To update regarding what the enforcement agencies are looking for and how they find out if you are in compliance.
To supply information to help simplify the implementation and maintenance of an appropriate HIPAA, OIG and ONC Compliance program, with their extensive lists of required and addressable standards, in the typical chiropractic or multidisciplinary clinic, so that the option exists for the doctor to delegate and/or oversee the majority of this process and/or participate to whatever level desired.
Help prepare doctors to avoid being ravaged by Medicare demands to return money paid to them by Medicare in the wake of the OIG report listing chiropractors as the number one profession for Medicare fraud and that 82% of all claims paid to chiropractors should be repaid to the government.
Dinner included with registration!
Will be submitted for 2 General (Adverse Event Avoidance) in-person CE hours to the CA BCE.
“My career passion is to teach others how to improve their life and business. My study of the human mind, personal relationships, and staff relationships, along with extensive business experience create the perfect background to produce powerful programs for personal and business growth. Ever since selling my clinic (at one time the largest chiropractic practice in the country) I have spent my time working with all types of doctors and health care facilities by taking large complex issues and repackage them in small digestible bits to be more easily implemented. I like being called “The Great Simplifier”. Taking on HIPAA compliance has been a great challenge, but highly gratifying as it is so desperately needed.
Has consulted to thousands of health care practices relative to business development and protection.
A sought after speaker who has led numerous seminars, performed as a keynote speaker and has been featured on the cover of several magazines. He has presently instructed over 100 webinars and 90 live events relative to HIPAA and government compliance for 42 state chiropractic associations and four chiropractic colleges, as well as independent and medical organizations.
Is a founding partner of an IPA (independent physician association ) that credentialed participating doctors for contracting with HMO’s and PPO’s.
Had over thirty articles published relative to the onset of and participation with managed care-over a dozen articles regarding HIPAA compliance.
Served on the Governor appointed Workers Compensation Commission in Texas.
He is an expert at the art of effective communication and has appeared on dozens of radio and TV talk shows.
Has founded and chaired two hospital departments.