Credit Available - See Credits tab below.
Total Credits: 2 General In-person CEUs
Please join us for our Contra Costa District Live CE seminar!
Dinner Included with Registration!
I began my wellness practice in the San Francisco Bay Area covering professional athletes like the San Jose Sharks and San Francisco 49ers among others. I also covered the Santa Clara County hospital where my wellness program was awarded a 5 year grant from the Federal government and the state of California to provide primary care as Wellness Program Director to a diverse population of patients. I was responsible for and coordinated the full range of their wellness care, and was deeply involved in the care of patients with chronic diseases like Diabetes, Hepatitis, Chronic fatigue, Leaky gut, HIV/AIDs, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, etc.
At the time, I recognized a gaping hole between patient diagnosis, and the explanations offered for chronic illnesses. In 1998, this led me to open the Integrated Health and Wellness Care Center to specialize in patients with chronic illnesses. My research aimed at discovering ways to close the chasm and naturally support the complex interplay of infection, metabolism and the immune system.
In 2014, I opened the Wellness Method in Danville California with a focus on metabolic syndrome, inflammation, hormones, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, cellular function and cognitive health.
I am double board certified in Clinical Nutrition and Chiropractic and Certified in Functional Medicine. In addition to grant awards from both Federal and State governments, my Wellness Method has been cited in scientific journals, Diablo Magazine and I was awarded the Best Program in San Francisco East Bay magazine.
We educate patients to help themselves and their families to be empowered and I live as an example of health to the best of my abilities. If I can help inspire others to restore your health then, I have accomplished my mission.
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The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. It is believed that an asymptomatic individual can be infected with and transmit COVID-19 without their knowledge.
California Chiropractic Association (CalChiro) has put in place preventative measures recommended by the State of California to reduce the spread of COVID-19, however, CalChiro cannot guarantee that you or anyone else will not become exposed to or infected with COVID-19 as a result of participating in an in-person CalChiro event. Participation in an in-person CalChiro event could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of being permitted to participate in the in-person event offered by CalChiro, I understand, acknowledge and agree to the following:
I have independently evaluated and reviewed the risks of being exposed to or infected with COVID-19 and have determined to participate in the in-person CalChiro event with full knowledge and acceptance of the risk. Fully understanding these risks, I, for myself, hereby agree to assume full responsibility and liability for the risk of bodily injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death which may result from exposure to or infection with COVID- 19 before, during, or after participating in the in-person CalChiro event.
I, for myself, heirs and assigns, hereby waive, release, and discharge CalChiro, its officials, employees, volunteers, attorneys, and agents from any and all liability to me for any and all losses or damages resulting from bodily injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death, whether caused by negligence of CalChiro or its officials, employees, volunteers, attorneys, and agents or otherwise, which claims, losses, and demands arise during or result directly or indirectly from exposure to or infection with COVID-19 before, during, or after participating in the in-person CalChiro event.
I also acknowledge that in the event the State or local health department issues a mandatory “Stay at Home” order or mandates the closure of certain programs and/or facilities, participant(s) registration will be transferred to the online event. Refunds will NOT be issued.
Click ok to accept CalChiro's Covid-19 Release of Liability for CalChiro's in-person events & Cancellation & Refund policy.