219 East Broadway is a 5,200 SF vacant building on a 3,636 SF lot in Downtown Long Beach. The ground floor is 3,600 SF, with a 1,600 SF mezzanine (2nd floor). The structure is reinforced brick.
Located on a soft corner at Broadway & North Waite Court, the property is surrounded by eight public parking garages within one block. It's half a block east of The Promenade, a major retail and enter...
I am a board-certified urologist who has a men's health and wellness practice in northern California.
I am looking for a chiropractor to share office space 2 to 3 days a week. There is a 200 SF treatment and exam room where you can place a chiropractic table and all of your equipment. There is a large bookshelf and storage space. I have 5 additional exam rooms.
I also have a:
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